Curriculum Intent for PSHE
The aim of the PSHE curriculum is to develop in students the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy and well, to be safe and develop social skills, and to manage different types of relationships, in order to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
Students are empowered to become informed and active citizens who know how democracy operates and how the UK is governed, are aware of their rights and responsibilities, are interested in volunteering and the charitable sector, and can manage their money effectively.
PSHE contributes to careers education, developing students’ knowledge and skills that will help them make informed, ambitious and appropriate choices at the end of each key stage. It supports them in making high quality applications for these destinations, developing their skills for the careers market of the future.
For any queries or further information please contact - Sophie Smith - PSHE Lead
Learning Journey
Departments Intents
RSE Lessons
Year 7
- L01 Building Relationships 1 Friendships
- L02 Relationships types of relationship
- L03 Building Relationships Media Stereotypes
- L04 Building Relationships Romantic Relationships
- L04 Romance and relationships info
- L04 Romance dilemmas vlog
- L05 Building Relationships 5 and 6 Healthy Relationships
- L06 Building Relationships 5 and 6 Healthy Relationships
- L07 Being Kind to Yourself and CPR PowerPoint
- L08 Addictive substances tobacco
- L08 Addictive substances tobacco PowerPoint
- L09 Addictive substances legal and illegal drugs
- L09 Addictive substances legal and illegal drugs PowerPoint
- L10 Consent PP
- L10 Consent Storyboard
- L10 Scenarios
- L11 Growing up Physical and mental changes 1
- L11 Growing up Physical and mental changes 2
- L11 Growing up Physical and mental changes PP
- L12 Health Personal Hygiene
- L12 Table
- L13 What is Mental Health
- L13 What is Mental Health PP
- L14 Marriage and Parenting
- L15 Sexual Harassment
Year 8
- L01 What makes a healthy relationship support task
- L01 What makes a healthy relationship support task PP
- L02 Sexuality and gender identity PP
- L02 Sexuality and gender identity Sentence Startes
- L03 Poem transcript
- L03 Relationships
- L03 Relationships statements
- L04 Laws On and Importance of Consent PP
- L04 Laws On and Importane of Consent
- L05 Sexualised online behaviour PP
Year 9
- L01 Healthy lifestyles achieving balance PowerPoint
- L02 Being kind to yourself PP
- L03 Health Related Choices Aesthetic Procedures
- L03 Health Related Choices Aesthetic Procedures PP
- L04 Healthy Lifestyles Vaping Student resource
- L04 Healthy Lifestyles Vaping Teacher resource with answers
- L04 Vaping PP
- L05 A World of Difference
- L06 Practising Safe Sex
- L06 Practising Safe Sex PowerPoint
- L07 Sexual Health Preventing and Treating 1
- L07 Sexual Health Preventing and Treating PowerPoint
- L08 Power Point Religious Views
- L08 Resources
- L09 Female genital mutilation FGM facts and risks
- L09 Female genital mutilation FGM facts and risks PP
Year 10
- L01 Looking After Your Health
- L02 Navigating social influence and pressure
- L02 Navigating social influence and pressure PP
- L03 The impact of relationships PDF
- L04 Staying safe online protecting your personal data PDF
- L05 What is a healthy lifestyle
- L05 What is a healthy lifestyle PDF
- L06 Changing relationships managing your feelings
- L06 Changing relationships managing your feelings PDF
- L07 Understanding consent and intimacy PDF
- L08 Understanding the dangers of pornography PDF
- L09 Challenging prejudice and discrimination
- L09 Challenging prejudice and discrimination PP
- L10 An Introduction to Body Image
- L10 An Introduction to Body Image PowerPoint
- L11 Managing our Health Services and Support
- L11 Managing our Health Services and Support PowerPoint
Year 11
- L01 Mental Health and Emotional Well Being PP
- L01 Page 7 student blank doc
- L01 Page 9 and 10 Scenarios
- L02 Wellbeing in the workplace PDF
- L03 Body image PDF
- L04 Substance addiction how to seek help PP
- L04 Substance addiction how to seek help support task
- L05 First Aid and CPR
- L05 First Aid task
- L06 Understanding pregnancy your choices
- L06 Understanding pregnancy your choices PP
- L07 Legal status of marriage
- L07 Rights and responsibilities marriage and civil partnerships
- L07 Rights and responsibilities marriage and civil partnerships PP