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Valentines High School


Curriculum Intent for Politics Department

The Politics department follows a curriculum with the overall intent of providing a broad and balanced view of British and American Politics. The curriculum within Politics is centred on ensuring that students are prepared for their next educational step both within their political knowledge, the wider educational context and employment. It is intended to ensure that students have a good understanding of how politics has shaped the current local and global context and to become politically aware. To that end, we strive to ensure that we engage in a variety of issues such as the Brexit debate and the impact of the Trump Presidency and this permeates through both the British and American political spheres. We also endeavour to develop cross-curricular skills in terms of knowledge and understanding, analysis, comparison and evaluation throughout the topics that are studied.

 Our intention is for the curriculum that has been designed is to ensure that a combination of a knowledge and understanding of politics is combined with academic critical thinking in order to allow our students to have a thirst for learning of Politics 

Learning Journey 

ks5 a level politics 2021 22.pdf


 Departments Intents

politics department.pdf