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Valentines High School


School to School

At Valentines we are experienced in offering support to others. In the past, we have provided school to school support as a Leading Edge school and as a Teaching school. As part of our Teaching school status we are happy to discuss personalised support to meet your requirements. We have worked with both the secondary and primary sectors in a number of areas, such as raising achievement at GCSE, teaching and learning, AFL, coaching, Behaviour for Learning, use of data/tracking, developing an outstanding Sixth Form, vertical tutoring and EAL. If you would us like to work with you, we will be pleased to discuss opportunities for support and arrange appropriate visits and training, on a short or longer term basis.

Please contact Sophie Smith on ssm@valentines-sch.org.uk 


“In Harmony, Achieving Excellence” through harmonious partnerships between pupils, staff, parents and our community. Valentines High School, a mixed comprehensive school of 1300 pupils in Redbridge, East London has achieved outstanding results. Striving for excellence in all we do is part of our culture at Valentines High School, as recognised in our Ofsted report: “The ethos of the school promotes a strong learning culture in which students are valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school's collective identity. Harmonious relationships are a most marked feature of the school. Very good teaching promotes very good learning and results in students achieving very well.” With 85% of our pupils from ethnic minorities, the school boasts a student body with over 50 home languages. 

By Year 11, results remain at 9 - 5 + 9 - 4 grades at GCSE as against similar schools. Results 2020: GCSE grades 9 - 4  - 89% including English and Maths.  A Level - 89%    A* - C.

I hope you will consider a visit to VHS. We can arrange for you to observe our practice and speak to our staff on whole school issues or on subject specific areas. We look forward to welcoming you.

 Please contact Sophie Smith on ssm@valentines-sch.org.uk